This resource by Big Society Capital provides an overview of BSC’s approach to blended finance along with links to additional resources.
As blended finance moves from the sidelines of financing instruments toward center stage, the sector has seen the rapid growth of diverse, innovative tools and practices. As approaches have diversified, guidance on which instrument to use and when has not followed at the same pace. The project Blended Finance: When to use which instrument attempts…
This position paper by the NZAOA primarily focuses on blended finance vehicles targeting investments in EMs and Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
G20 Principles to Scale Up Blended Finance in Developing Countries, including Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States
GIIN’s Blended Finance Working Group seeks to address the bespoke nature of designing blended finance structures with the goal of decreasing costs and increasing the frequency and scale of blended finance investments.
In this blogpost, BII’s CEO, Nick O’Donohoe, writes about the power of flexible capital in tackling the biggest development challenges
This resource by Big Society Capital provides an overview of BSC’s approach to blended finance along with links to additional resources.
Convergence’s blended finance primer. This primer uses Convergence’s database of historical blended finance transactions to generate unique insights about the blended finance market to date.
A Resource for Structuring Blended Finance Vehicles Utilizing junior equity, subordinated debt, first-loss capital, guarantees, or technical assistance
The OECD’s Blended Finance Principles and the Blended Finance Guidance are effective policy tools for donor governments, development co-operation agencies, philanthropies and other stakeholders to design and implement effective and transparent blended finance programmes.