By: Sung-Hyui Park To what extent do impact investment terms replicate forms of power, privilege and control that are poorly aligned with mutual trust, respect, and collaborative partnership? Given this, how can investment terms, legal documentation and processes within impact investing better embed the principles and values of equality? The Equalising Deal Terms (EDT) project…
What does it mean to be an impact lawyer? Is there even such a thing? RPCK Founding Partner Chintan Panchal shares more about the need for impact lawyers as impact investing is becoming more mainstream and client needs are shifting
The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) and the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment published academic research on the impact of climate litigation on enterprise value. Communities and individuals are increasingly turning to courts to hold governments and high emitting corporations to account for the adverse consequences of climate…
Pioneers Post has published an article, authored by Louise Harman, summarising some common misconceptions – plus the opportunities – in the rapidly growing field of impact law.
The first edition of the Impact Lawyers Journal is produced by members of GAIL Asia Pacific.
The Uncertain Solicitor recognises the need for different thinking if we are to address the crises facing us and explores some examples of what that might look like.
The Uncertain Solicitor recognises the need for different thinking if we are to address the crises facing us and explores some examples of what that might look like.
B Lab take a look at the G in ESG and feature their work with GAIL through the GAIL B Lab Advocates Programme.
Legal action accusing a US venture capital fund of racial discrimination, because it invests in Black women business owners, prompts anger – and raises questions about the future of race-based policies. Kevin Christopher, GAIL North America board member and founder and principal at Rockridge Law contributes his thoughts to this article by Pioneers Post.
The launch of the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers brings to light the increasingly important role that legal professionals can play in driving impact through the advice they give.