By: Sung-Hyui Park To what extent do impact investment terms replicate forms of power, privilege and control that are poorly aligned with mutual trust, respect, and collaborative partnership? Given this, how can investment terms, legal documentation and processes within impact investing better embed the principles and values of equality? The Equalising Deal Terms (EDT) project…
What does and should ‘efficiency’ means in the context of impact investing? Who controls that definitions? Do beneficiaries get a say?
Join a community of legal leaders from around the world for a day of cutting-edge discussions on topics including climate change and the law, impact investing, sustainable finance, blended finance, development finance, philanthropy, ESG and more. Convene for insightful keynotes. Network with legal practitioners and industry pioneers. Register here.
What does it mean to be an impact lawyer? Is there even such a thing? RPCK Founding Partner Chintan Panchal shares more about the need for impact lawyers as impact investing is becoming more mainstream and client needs are shifting
What does a just transition mean and why must lawyers play a crucial role in working towards it? Hear leaders from B Lab Global, GSG, The Global Commons Alliance and The Chancery Lane Project speak about the role of lawyers in a just transition.
What does true impact look like? It’s something everyone who invests to achieve impact wants to know. As British International Investment marks its 75th anniversary, they’re setting out to explore that big question. IMPACT = aims to demystify how to invest to achieve impact in developing economies. It’s been founded as a platform to share…
By: Impact Investing Institute In partnership with 21 global financial institutions, the Impact Investing Institute designed a ‘first of its kind’ practical tool for fund managers who want to invest in a transition to a net zero world that prioritises the needs of the planet and the people living on it. The Criteria have been…
The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) and the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment published academic research on the impact of climate litigation on enterprise value. Communities and individuals are increasingly turning to courts to hold governments and high emitting corporations to account for the adverse consequences of climate…
Launch Event: An in-depth panel exploring capital markets, externalities, benefit corporations and universal ownership. This panel will look at why fiduciaries need to concern themselves with the performance of the markets overall
Launch Event: This session is presented by the Regional Board of Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers, GAIL UK and explores the role of impact lawyers in the UK and the GAIL Launch Week themes: impact investing, purposeful business, climate, ESG, and business and human rights.