Legal Charter 1.5 and Black Mountains College invite you to a one-day workshop ‘Climate Adaptation for legal practitioners’
One of the Legal Charter 1.5 Principles is to train staff to support restricting increases in
global temperatures to no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, consistent with IPCC
However, the global average temperature in 2023 was above the dangerous 1.5 C
threshold1, and carbon that is already in the atmosphere is expected to push the
temperature up even further –even if we were to completely decarbonize right now. A new
era of climate and ecological breakdown is already here.
The need for effective climate action to restrict carbon emissions and avoid further global
warming remains, but there is also an increasing need for companies and individuals to
realign their lives and businesses to the radical changes brought on by climate
change. What we do now and how we apply our professional practice will shape our
societies and ability to adapt to the unfolding changes.
Radical changes require systemic action. The legal services are implicated in sustaining
(parts of) the systems that cause the climate crisis, and they play an important role in
leveraging change towards a more sustainable, ecological and just society. This training will
help you identify how you can use your occupational skills and position to take effective
climate action.
Who is it for?
All people working in commercial law firms, especially those who work with clients in any of
the following sectors: transport, infrastructure, manufacturing, energy, pharmaceuticals,
FMCG, finance, local and national government, health, social care, construction, mining,
shipping, IT & tech, AI.
Practical information
Date: Thursday 6th of February
Time: 9am – 5pm
Location: The workshop will take place in London, exact location TBC
Price: £550 per ticket
This will include all course content, refreshments, a catered lunch and an online
consultancy meeting.
What can you expect?
We use the latest educational science around how people learn to shape our courses.
Delivery will be a combination of action-oriented and experiential aspects, alongside more
cognate sessions. Our engaging, creative and immersive approach ensures that you feel
informed, inspired and connected throughout the course.
The workshop follows our tested modular framework that covers the following sections:
- How is the Climate Crisis Changing the World?
A thorough overview of the latest science, including predictions around tipping points and
related climate scenarios. We will explore how these will affect the systems that we and our communities rely on for survival. You will hear from Ben Rawlence, CEO of Black Mountains College, climate expert and author of The Treeline, and engage in system mapping activities. - How Can Legal Practitioners Be Part of the Solution?
An exploration of the different ways in which the legal services are part of these systems,
how they are driving the climate and ecological emergency, and how they can become
a more potent force for positive change. You will explore these questions with the
inspirational input of Elspeth Jones, a barrister and former Deputy Chief Executive at
ClientEarth, an organisation that uses the power of the law to drive systemic change. - Imagining Positive, Alternative Futures
Whilst it’s a fact that the atmosphere is warming, many aspects of climate change remain
uncertain. The future is not entirely written. Reinventing the systems that we depend on
and imagining futures that we want to be part of is an essential part of generating change.
If we can tangibly feel that other, more positive, futures are possible then we are more likely to enact them. Facilitators Natalia Eernstman and Magda Petford will lead you through a collective imagination activity. - Change in Practice
In this final part of the day we will work back from those imagined futures and explore the
actions that we can take in the present. Chris Nichols, a leading management consultant
at GameShift and formerly Professor of Practice at Ashridge, will share his insights on
organisational / systemic change. We will help you identify what part of the climate
problem overlaps with your interests and skillset, and develop a small-scale action to put
into practice.
The course will be followed by an online consultancy meeting with Chris Nichols. You will be able to discuss your progress in a small group and gain strategic advice.
Legal Charter 1.5 has been in discussion with Black Mountains College about the
development of a Climate Adaptation programme for the profession, starting with LC1.5
members. This one-day taster will give members a feel for the approach the College takes
and will help to potentially co-design a longer course to suit members’ priorities.
Places are limited; to book yours please email: