Benoit Spitaels is co-founder of impact advocaten, a niche firm focusing on tailor-made legal services to not-for-profit associations, social businesses and impact entrepreneurs.
His expertise relates to all types of transactional work (mergers and splits between not-for-profit entities, transfer of assets, restructuring of real estate (e.g., for religious congregations) as well as to advisory work relating to organisational questions (choice of legal form, optimal set-up of activities and group-structures, partnerships, government permits, tax deductibility and internal functioning of NPO’s).
Benoit Spitaels has gained particular knowledge in all types of hospital collaborations: from hospital networks to mergers between private and public hospitals. Within the team, he is also the expert in the widest range of matters related to INPO’s.
Although impact advocaten does not specialise in tax law, Benoit Spitaels has a keen interest and a more than a basic understanding of tax matters, which constitutes an important added value as organisational questions very often present tax aspects which require an understanding of tax law or collaboration with external tax partners. Benoit Spitaels is guest-lecturer at the Tax College in Brussels (Fiscale Hogeschool) of a specialised course on not-for-profit legal entities.